Emergency :  347 8987147


Integration word means all different identities inclusion , without any discrimination thanks to an intercultural communication, that is tolerance, listening, empathy and care. Since 2004, there is UNAR national foundation  whose duty is to prevent discrimination, by acting on the causes.

Pink Project Association and UNAR information Desk take violence victims requests working with interventions for disadvantaged people who need to find their equal opportunities rights.

All our activities  are focused on respect for gender, race, age, same rights for all. Commitment towards education, integration, legality, solidarity and civic sense. To become aware that integrate means fighting against xenophobia, intolerance, exclusion and marginalization.

Our Desk is open to:

• citizens;

• local, regional and national institutions;

• companies, economic sectors, hospitals and Health centers.

Desk is open on first and second Monday every month, from 11.00 to 13.00 in Capo d’Orlando, Via Tripoli, 17.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.